Oxford University increases Mindfulness Practice Course fee to £350

The 9 session (called by Oxford ’8 week’ – since the 9 sessions with them are spread over 8 weeks – ours is over 6 weeks) Mindfulness Practice course at the excellent Oxford Mindfulness Centre has just increased its fee from £250 to £350.

Just as well, then, that hei! members are getting a course adapted for the lifestyles of people in the arts and entertainment, but with exactly the same goals, free.

A 9 session Mindfulness Practice course is a pre-requisite for working in mindfulness research and for considering including or majoring in mindfulness in a Supporting Career.

Not to mention that, along with learning proper self-hypnosis from a reliable teacher, mindfulness is possibly the best skill anyone in the arts and entertainment can learn to help manage the hours and the stress and the demands.

£350  FREE!

Every little helps.